About Us

The International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) is a non-profit organization based in Delhi, India. It was established in 2021.

INCOC’s focus is on promoting the growth of businesses, providing support to entrepreneurs, and contributing to the wider Indian economy.

Mission & Objectives

  • Business Growth: Facilitate the development and expansion of businesses in India.
  • Networking & Collaboration: Create a platform where businesses can connect, collaborate, and share knowledge.
  • Empowerment: Provide resources, programs, and initiatives to empower businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Economic Contribution: Work towards the overall growth and betterment of the Indian economy.
  • The Worldonomics Times: Designed to be a key resource for business leaders, policymakers, and anyone interested in the interconnected nature of the global economy.

Key Activities

  • Advocacy: INCOC represents the interests of its members to policymakers and government bodies.
  • Skill Development & Training: Provides training programs to enhance business skills and knowledge.
  • Networking Events: Organizes conferences, seminars, and events to foster networking and connections.
  • Market Access: Supports businesses in expanding their reach into new markets.
  • Mentorship: Offers mentorship programs to guide and support businesses. The Leadership Program is designed for the Next Generation to Lead the corporate world. 

Potential Areas

  • Skill development for underprivileged youth: Partnering to provide vocational training or employability skills for disadvantaged young people.
  • Mentorship for marginalized entrepreneurs: Offering mentorship programs to support entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities.
  • Environmental initiatives: Promoting sustainable business practices within supporting environmental projects.
  • Community development: Contributing to local community development projects in areas like education, healthcare, or infrastructure.

Our Journey

Founded on the principles of collaboration and empowerment, INCOC emerged from a shared vision of shaping a better tomorrow. Our journey began with a belief that every individual, brand, and community has untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. Over the years, this belief has grown into a mission – a mission to uplift, inspire, and transform.

Our Values

At the core of INCOC are our values – Integrity, Innovation, Inclusivity, and Impact. These values guide our every action and decision. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, constantly seek new ways to create value, celebrate diversity in all forms, and measure our success by the positive change we bring.

Our Approach

We are driven by collaboration. Our approach is built upon the idea that collective efforts yield exponential results. We collaborate with individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and communities to co-create solutions that address challenges and seize opportunities. Through our unique blend of expertise, knowledge sharing, and actionable initiatives, we catalyze growth.

The Worldonomics Times

  • A monthly magazine dedicated to exploring global finance, economics, business trends, and their interconnectedness.
  • Launched by INCOC in May 2024, it aims to provide insights and resources for business leaders, policymakers, and anyone interested in the global economy.
  • Target Audience: Business Leaders, Policymakers, Academics and Scholars, and Anyone interested in economics Designed to be accessible to a broader audience seeking to understand the complexities of the global economy.

Key Features: WT

  • In-depth analysis: Goes beyond reporting news, providing deep dives into the forces shaping world markets and industries.
  • Expert opinions: Features contributions from leading economists, business leaders, and thought leaders sharing diverse perspectives.
  • Emerging trends: Spotlights new developments, innovative business models, and potential disruptors influencing the global economy.
  • Global focus: Offers a comprehensive view of market dynamics across various regions and sectors.



Shri Yash Paul Bhola

Former Director Finance
National Fertilizer Limited

Shri Sandeep Kumar

International Navodaya
Chamber of Commerce

Mrs. Madhuri Kashyap

Former President (23.07.2021 – 22.07.2023)
International Navodaya
Chamber of Commerce

How the International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) can potentially help the next generation of professionals:

1. Skill Development and Training:

  • Workshops and Seminars: INCOC could organize targeted workshops focused on essential skills such as communication, negotiation, digital literacy, problem-solving, and adaptability – all crucial for the modern workforce.
  • Industry-Specific Skills: Partner with industry leaders to offer training programs relevant to in-demand sectors, providing young professionals with the necessary expertise.
  • Apprenticeships and Internships: Collaborate with businesses to create apprenticeships and internships, providing real-world experience and on-the-job training.

2. Mentorship Programs:

  • Experienced Professionals: Connect young professionals with seasoned mentors from various industries for guidance, insights, and career advice.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Encourage mentors to share their experiences, expertise, and industry knowledge with the next generation.
  • Goal Setting: Help young professionals establish career goals and develop a roadmap for achieving them with mentor support.

3. Networking and Collaboration:

  • Networking Events: Host networking events, industry mixers, and conferences where young professionals can connect with established businesses, entrepreneurs, and potential employers.
  • Collaborative Projects: Facilitate partnerships between young professionals and experienced mentors or businesses for collaborative projects fostering innovation and skills exchange.
  • Online Platforms: Create an online platform for professional connections, discussions, and resource sharing.

4. Entrepreneurship Support:

  • Incubation Programs: Provide incubation support for young entrepreneurs with promising business ideas, offering resources, training, and mentorship.
  • Access to Funding: Assist in connecting young entrepreneurs with investors or facilitating access to micro-financing schemes.
  • Start-up Workshops: Conduct workshops on business plan development, market analysis, and other aspects of launching a successful venture.

5. Advocacy and Policy Input:

  • Voice for Young Professionals: Advocate for policies and programs that support the growth and development of young professionals in India.
  • Workforce Development Initiatives: Collaborate with the government and other stakeholders on workforce development initiatives that benefit the next generation.
  • Addressing Challenges: Participate in discussions and contribute ideas on how to overcome challenges faced by young professionals in the job market.

Important Considerations:

  • Tailored Approach: Programs should address the specific needs and aspirations of the next generation.
  • Inclusivity: Ensure opportunities are accessible to young professionals from diverse backgrounds and regions.
  • Collaboration: Partnering with educational institutions, government programs, and other organizations will amplify INCOC’s impact.

To determine the specific programs INCOC is already offering, or ones they might implement, it’s best to contact them directly through their website or social media.

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