Welcome to your International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) Platform ! Subject: Banking English LanguageTotal Number of Question: 40Time: 41 MinutesPlease check your email after completion of test for result.All the best... Name Phone No Email State 1. What does the author imply by the term "fiscal deficit" in the passage? Economic growth Financial shortfall National savings Trade surplus None 2. In the context of the passage, the phrase "beyond the pale" most likely means: Outside acceptable limits OExceptionally good Very dull Unreachable None 3. Identify the error in the following sentence: "Each of the students have submitted their project reports on time." Each of the students have submitted their project reports No error None 4. Spot the error in this sentence: "She is one of those people who knows how to manage stress effectively." She is one of those who knows No error None 5. The manager said that the project would be completed _____ the stipulated time. within on during about None 6. He was so tired that he could hardly _____ his eyes open. lift hold keep raise None 7. Choose the synonym of "prolific": Productive Rare Barren Uncommon None 8. Select the synonym for "subdue": Conquer Release Intensify Liberate None 9. Choose the antonym of "augment": Decrease Expand Amplify Increase None 10. Select the antonym of "arduous": Easy Difficult Painstaking Strenuous None 11. Arrange the following sentences into a coherent paragraph: 1. They often face challenges in adapting to urban environments. 2. Migration to cities is a common trend among rural populations. 3. This can lead to issues like unemployment and overcrowding. 4. However, it also provides better opportunities for education and jobs. Correct order: 2, 1, 4, 3 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 4, 1, 3 3, 4, 2, 1 None 12. Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence: "A new policy / the government / announced / last week." Announced the government a new policy last week The government last week announced a new policy A new policy announced last week the government. Last week announced the government a new policy. None 13. . The recent economic policies aim to _____ inflation while boosting employment opportunities. Curb Increase Generate Encourage None 14. Many industries have adopted sustainable practices to _____ environmental impact. Enhance Mitigate Escalate Prolong None 15. The phrase "to pull someone’s leg" means: To tease someone To help someone To hurt someone To support someone None 16. The idiom "spill the beans" means: To reveal a secret To waste something To create a mess To cook food None 17. A person who travels to explore new places: Explorer Pioneer Navigator Tourist None 18. A speech given in praise of someone: Eulogy Monologue Allegor Sermon None 19. The plural form of "criterion" is: Criteria Criterions Criterium Criteries None 20. Select the correct sentence: He don’t know the answer. He doesn’t knows the answer. He doesn’t know the answer. He don’t knows the answer None 21. The phrase "cutting corners" in the context of the passage means: Doing something hastily to save time or money Taking a shortcut through a road Following all rules and procedures Achieving success through hard work None 22. According to the passage, the primary reason for urban migration is: Lack of education Better job opportunities High cost of living in villages Improved healthcare in cities None 23. Identify the part with an error: "The committee has postponed the meeting owing to lack of quorum." The committee has postponed owing to lack No error None 24. The athlete was confident _____ winning the race. to about of for None 25. The teacher encouraged her students to participate _____ the debate competition. on in at over None 26. Choose the synonym of "incessant": Constant Temporary Abrupt Disconnected None 27. Select the synonym of "opulent": Rich Poor Humble Ordinary None 28. Choose the antonym of "benevolent": Kind Cruel Generous Sympathetic None 29. Select the antonym of "retract": Withdraw Expand Assert Diminish None 30. Arrange the sentences into a coherent paragraph: 1. Effective communication is crucial in any organization. 2. It ensures that employees understand their roles clearly. 3. Moreover, it fosters better relationships among team members. 4. This ultimately leads to increased productivity and satisfaction. Correct order: 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 1, 3, 4 3, 4, 2, 1 4, 3, 2, 1 None 31. Rearrange the words to form a sentence: "Management / policies / the / revised / has / company." Has revised the company management policies. The company has revised management policies. Policies revised management the company has. Revised management policies the company has None 32. Despite the adverse conditions, the rescue team managed to _____ the trapped miners. Abandon Save Ignore Desert None 33. The government is working on new policies to _____ economic growth. Encourage Discourage Hamper Ignore None 34. The idiom "a blessing in disguise" means: A hidden advantage A visible blessing A clear misfortune A deliberate deception None 35. The phrase "burn the midnight oil" means: To work late into the night To waste energy To light a lamp To burn resources None 36. A person who studies the stars and planets: Astronomer Geologist Biologist Physicist None 37. One who walks in their sleep: Sleepwalker o Somnambulist Insomniac Dreamer None 38. The singular form of "phenomena" is: Phenomenon Phenomenons Phenomenos None 39. Choose the correct sentence: Each of the players were awarded a trophy. Each of the players was awarded a trophy. Each of the player was awarded a trophy. Each player were awarded a trophy None 40. Spot the error: "The information provided to you are accurate." The information provided to you are accurate No error None 1 out of 4 Great job on taking the INCOC Test! We appreciate your interest in test.Look out for results and future opportunities.Stay Connected !! Your quiz time is about to finish. Few seconds left. 1 2 3 4 Time's upYou cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.you cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.Time is Up!Time is Up!