Welcome to your International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) Platform ! Subject: Banking English LanguageTotal Number of Question: 40Time: 41 MinutesPlease check your email after completion of test for result.All the best... Name Phone No Email State 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: She _____ a book right now. reads is reading read will read None 2. Choose the correct option: He did not _____ the truth. told tell tells telling None 3. hoose the correct word to complete the sentence: Neither the teacher _____ the students knew the answer. nor or and yet None 4. Find the error in the sentence: The team has been working hard and they are expecting to win. The team has been working expecting are expecting None 5. Choose the correct option: This is the book _____ I was talking about. who which whose where None 6. Choose the synonym of the word "quick": rapid slow lazy steady None 7. Choose the opposite of the word "difficult": easy hard complicated tough None 8. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition: She is sitting _____ her desk. on in at to None 9. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: I will visit the market _____ Sunday. on at in to None 10. Identify the correct sentence: She don’t like chocolate. She doesn’t like chocolate. She not like chocolate. She doesn’t likes chocolate None 11. Choose the word that is most similar to "happy": joyful sad angry worried None 12. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom "hit the nail on the head": To make a mistake To strike the nail To get exactly the right answer To hit someone None 13. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: The sun _____ in the east. rises rose will rise rising None 14. Choose the correct antonym of "generous": selfish kind helpful thoughtful None 15. Choose the word that is a synonym of "difficult": hard simple easy effortless None 16. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: The scientist made an important _____ in the field of medicine. progress improve change event None 17. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase "a piece of cake": A slice of cake Something very easy A delicious cake A large cake None 18. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence: The teacher _____ the students' questions patiently. answered answer will answer answering None 19. Choose the correct sentence: She is going to school everyday. She is going to school every day. She is go to school every day. She goes to school everyday None 20. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: He is always _____ for help when needed. available unavailabl3 necessary demanding None 21. What has the internet revolutionized?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The internet has revolutionized communication. It has made it possible for people from all over the world to connect with each other instantly. Education Communication Economy Transportation None 22. What is the library's policy on borrowing books?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The library offers a wide range of books for all ages. Students can borrow books for up to two weeks. Books can be borrowed for a week. Books can be borrowed for a month. Books can be borrowed for two weeks. Books cannot be borrowed None 23. Choose the correct answer: "He was a pioneer in his field, creating groundbreaking innovations in technology." What is meant by the word "pioneer"? A follower A leader in a specific field A competitor A traditionalist None 24. What is the meaning of the word "revolutionized" in the context of the passage? Destroyed Changed completely Enhanced Stabilized None 25. What is the main issue discussed in the passage?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "Global warming has become one ofthe biggest challenges of our time. The planet is heating up, and we must take action toreduce our carbon footprint. Climate change Economic growth Technological advancement Environmental issues None 26. What does the new technology promise to do?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The new technology promises tobring revolutionary changes in the medical field, offering solutions to problems that wereonce thought impossible to solve." Improve communication Bring changes in the medical field BrinProvide entertainment Enhance transportation None 27. What is the team's reaction to the competition?Choose the correct answer: "Although the team was nervous about the competition,they managed to perform exceptionally well." Confident Nervous but successful Unprepared Scared None 28. What can be concluded from the passage?Choose the best conclusion from the passage: "Reading regularly has many benefits. Itenhances vocabulary, improves concentration, and broadens knowledge." Reading is not important. Reading has multiple benefits Reading should be avoided. Reading only improves vocabulary None 29. What is the passage about?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "Learning a new language can bechallenging, but it is a rewarding experience that opens up many opportunities." The difficulty of learning a language The rewards of learning a new language The ease of learning a language How to learn a new language None 30. What has happened to the city?Choose the correct answer: "The city has undergone significant development in recentyears, with new infrastructure and better public services." It has deteriorated. It has undergone development. It has become less developed. It has remained the same. None 31. Identify the error in the sentence: She can sings very well. She can sings very None 32. Choose the correct version of the sentence: He will go to the market next week. He will goes to the market next week. He go to the market next week. He is go to the market next week None 33. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I would like to _____ a cup of tea. have has having had None 34. Identify the error in the sentence: She asked him that she should go to the store. She asked should to None 35. Choose the correct form of the verb: She _____ to the party last night. went go goes going None 36. Choose the correct option: His behavior is not as _____ as it was before. bad worse worst good None 37. Choose the correct version: I prefer tea over coffee. I prefer tea than coffee I prefer tea to coffee I prefer tea with coffee None 38. Choose the correct option: He is the _____ person in the group. more intelligent most intelligent intelligent less intelligent None 39. Identify the error: I have been to the market yesterday. have been to yesterday None 40. Choose the correct sentence: I am working in this office for two years. I have been working in this office for two years. worked in this office for two years. I had worked in this office for two years None 1 out of 4 Great job on taking the INCOC Test! We appreciate your interest in test.Look out for results and future opportunities.Stay Connected !! Your quiz time is about to finish. Few seconds left. 1 2 3 4 Time's upYou cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.you cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.Time is Up!Time is Up!