Welcome to your International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) Platform ! Subject: Banking English LanguageTotal Number of Question: 40Time: 41 MinutesPlease check your email after completion of test for result.All the best... Name Phone No Email State 1. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: She has been working here _____ five years. for since at to None 2. Choose the correct sentence: The man which lives next door is very friendly. The man who lives next door is very friendly. The man who live next door is very friendly. The man whose lives next door is very friendly None 3. Complete the sentence with the correct word: He was _____ tired to continue the race. so too very enough None 4. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: If I had enough money, I _____ buy a new car. will would would have should None 5. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: She _____ to the gym every morning. go goes is going gone None 6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: I have been reading the book _____ last week. from since by for None 7. Choose the correct preposition: The cat is hiding _____ the sofa. under on in behind None 8. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: She felt _____ when she failed the exam. happiness sadness happy sad None 9. Choose the correct option: This is the book _____ I told you about. which where whose who None 10. Identify the error in the sentence: He doesn't has enough money to buy the car. doesn't has enough to None 11. Choose the synonym of the word "diligent": lazy hard-working careless slow None 12. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: The company’s growth has been _____ in recent years. rapid slowly slower rapidness None 13. Choose the opposite of the word "optimistic": hopeful pessimistic enthusiastic realistic None 14. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom "a blessing in disguise": Something negative that turns into a positive A hidden problem A secret blessin A disguise that looks good None 15. Choose the word that best fits the sentence: The manager asked the employees to _____ the new policy. understand understanding understood understands None 16. Choose the word that is a synonym for "adversary": opponent friend helper colleague None 17. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: He always tries to _____ a good impression on his clients. leave making make leaving None 18. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: His approach was very _____, and it led to success. effective effect affective affected None 19. Choose the antonym of "transparent": clear opaque visible distinct None 20. Choose the correct option: They _____ the project successfully. complete completed completing completes None 21. What is the aim of the new tax law?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The new tax law will come intoeffect next month, affecting individuals and businesses alike. The changes are aimed atsimplifying the tax process and ensuring fairness." To complicate the tax process To ensure fairness and simplify the tax process To increase taxes To favor businesses None 22. What did the CEO emphasize in the meeting?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "During the meeting, the CEOdiscussed the company’s future goals. She emphasized the importance of innovation andstaying ahead of the competition." Reducing costs Staying ahead of the competition through innovation c) Expanding the workforce d) Improving customer service Expanding the workforce Improving customer service None 23. What is the goal of the campaign?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The environmental group launcheda new campaign aimed at reducing plastic waste. They plan to educate the public aboutthe importance of recycling." To reduce plastic waste To increase plastic production To sell plastic products To recycle old plastic None 24. What is the benefit of the new software?Choose the correct answer: "The new software will enhance productivity by automatingseveral time-consuming tasks." It will increase time consumption It will reduce productivity It will enhance productivity by automation It will complicate tasks None 25. What has happened to the economic situation?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The economic situation hasimproved significantly over the past year, with businesses reporting higher profits andconsumer confidence rising." It has worsened. It has stayed the same. It has improved significantly. It has remained uncertain None 26. What is the purpose of the charity event?Choose the correct answer: "The school is organizing a charity event to raise funds forunderprivileged children. All proceeds will be used for their education." To raise money for charity workers To raise funds for underprivileged children’s education To entertain the public To increase school fees None 27. What does the weather forecast predict?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The weather forecast predicts heavyrain throughout the weekend, which could cause disruptions to outdoor events." Clear skies Heavy rain throughout the weekend Snowfall Mild temperatures None 28. What has the recycling program achieved?Choose the correct answer: "The city’s new recycling program has significantlyreduced the amount of waste sent to landfills." It has increased waste production. It has reduced the amount of waste sent to landfills. It has ignored waste management. It has caused environmental damage None 29. What is the new project about?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The teacher assigned a new projectto the students, asking them to research the impact of social media on mental health." Impact of social media on mental health Researching social media companies Creating social media profile Discussing social media usage None 30. What is the focus of the book?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The book discusses the evolution oftechnology and its impact on human life, particularly focusing on artificial intelligenceand automation." Artificial intelligence and automation’s impact on human life History of technology Future of human life Evolution of the internet None 31. Identify the error in the sentence: The company is planning to launch a new product next year, which it aims to expand the market. The company is planning to launch aims None 32. Choose the correct version of the sentence: She never seen him before. She has never seen him before. She had never seen him before. She never seen him None 33. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: If I _____ you, I would accept the offer. was were am be None 34. Identify the error in the sentence: He is one of the most intelligent students who has passed the test. He most who has None 35. Choose the correct option: They _____ lunch when I arrived. were having are having had have None 36. Choose the correct version of the sentence: I am working on this report since morning. I have been working on this report since morning. I worked on this report since morning. I am worked on this report since morning None 37. Choose the correct sentence: I prefer walking than running. I prefer walking to running. I prefer walking over running. I prefer walking more than running None 38. Choose the correct form of the verb: She _____ in the park when it started raining. was walking walked walking walks None 39. Identify the error in the sentence: Neither the teacher nor the students were happy with the decision. Neither teacher were students None 40. Choose the correct version of the sentence: He needs to be more careful in his works. He needs to be more careful with his work. He needs to be more careful for his work. He needs to be more careful at his work None 1 out of 4 Great job on taking the INCOC Test! We appreciate your interest in test.Look out for results and future opportunities.Stay Connected !! Your quiz time is about to finish. Few seconds left. 1 2 3 4 Time's upYou cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.you cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.Time is Up!Time is Up!