Welcome to your International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) Platform ! Subject: Banking English LanguageTotal Number of Question: 40Time: 41 MinutesPlease check your email after completion of test for result.All the best... Name Phone No Email State 1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: By the time he arrives, we _____ the meeting will start started have started will have started None 2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: She is the person _____ can solve this problem who whom whose which None 3. Choose the correct option: The book is _____ the shelf. at in on under None 4. Choose the correct sentence: He doesn’t play football as often as he used to. He didn’t play football as often as he used to He don’t play football as often as he used to. He doesn’t plays football as often as he used to None 5. Choose the word that fits best in the sentence: I’ll meet you _____ the park at 5 PM. at in to o on None 6. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: We arrived _____ the station early at to in on None 7. Choose the correct sentence: The children played in the garden all afternoon The children play in the garden all afternoon. The children playing in the garden all afternoon. The children played in the garden all the afternoon None 8. Choose the correct sentence: I will go to the market when I finished my homework. I will go to the market when I finish my homework. I will go to the market when I will finish my homework. I will go to the market when I finished my homework None 9. Complete the sentence: She is one of the people _____ ideas were implemented in the project whose which who whom None 10. Choose the synonym of the word "doubt": certainty belief uncertainty conclusion None 11. Choose the word that best fits the sentence: The manager took immediate _____ to resolve the issue. action inactivity reaction actions None 12. Choose the antonym of "successful": prosperous unsuccessful thriving effective None 13. Choose the synonym of "courageous": brave afraid weak timid None 14. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: He was _____ in his approach, always willing to learn new things. stubborn open-minded narrow-minded pessimistic None 15. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to "obsolete": outdated modern new popular None 16. Choose the opposite of "optimistic": hopeful pessimistic energetic joyful None 17. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: He was deeply _____ by the news of his friend’s promotion. surprised surprise surprisingly surprisedly None 18. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: She was recognized for her _____ contributions to the field of education. valuable value valuing None 19. Complete the sentence: The CEO was very _____ with the performance of the company last year. pleased pleasant pleasing please None 20. What has been the impact of the new product line?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The new product line has beenwell-received by customers. Sales have increased by 20%, and customer feedback hasbeen overwhelmingly positive." Sales have decreased Sales have increased by 20% Customers are unhappy There has been no change in sales None 21. What is the focus of the new healthcare policies?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The new healthcare policies focuson improving access to medical services, especially in rural areas." Reducing healthcare costs Improving healthcare access, particularly in rural areas Introducing new medical technologies Raising healthcare fees None 22. What was the result of the team's hard work?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The project team worked diligentlyto meet the deadline, and their hard work paid off when the project was completed aheadof schedule." They missed the deadline They completed the project ahead of schedule The project was delayed They stopped working on the project None 23. What is the purpose of the new transportation system?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The city's new transportationsystem is designed to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. It is expected tomake commuting more efficient." To increase traffic congestion To improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion To make commuting less efficient To expand public transport options only None 24. What is the company's goal?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The company plans to expand itsoperations into new markets next year. The goal is to increase revenue by reaching alarger customer base." To reduce revenue To increase revenue by reaching a larger customer base c) To cut back on operations d) To focus on existing markets To cut back on operations To focus on existing markets None 25. What did the environmental study emphasize?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The recent environmental studyhighlighted the importance of reducing carbon emissions to mitigate climate change." Increasing carbon emissions The importance of reducing carbon emissions Ignoring climate change Supporting carbon-heavy industries None 26. What does the company’s new initiative focus on?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The company has launched a newinitiative aimed at promoting employee wellness. This program will offer mental healthresources and fitness memberships." Employee wellness Increasing profit margins Reducing working hours Expanding the business None 27. What will the software update improve?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The new software update isexpected to improve system performance and provide better security features." System performance and security features Security features only User interface design None 28. What did the team spend weeks doing?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The team spent weeks analyzingdata before making the final decision on the project." Preparing for the project Analyzing data before making a decision Discussing ideas Working on the project None 29. What is the main point of the debate?Read the passage and choose the correct answer: "The government’s decision to raisetaxes has sparked debate among citizens. Some believe the increase is necessary to fundpublic services, while others argue it will hurt the economy." The increase in taxes is too small The government needs to lower taxes Whether the tax increase is beneficial or harmful Whether taxes should be abolished None 30. Identify the error in the sentence: She is more smarter than her brother. She is more smarter None 31. Choose the correct version of the sentence: I am going to the office tomorrow. I will go to the office tomorrow. I have gone to the office tomorrow. I goes to the office tomorrow None 32. Choose the correct option: He _____ working at the bank for three years has had is was None 33. Identify the error in the sentence: The team have been practicing every day for the competition. team have been for None 34. Choose the correct version: They will give us a presentation tomorrow. They will gave us a presentation tomorrow. They will giving us a presentation tomorrow. They give us a presentation tomorrow None 35. Choose the correct sentence: Neither John nor his friends are coming to the party. Neither John nor his friends is coming to the party. Neither John nor his friends were coming to the party. Neither John nor his friends be coming to the party None 36. Choose the correct option: The meeting was _____ than I expected. less interesting most interesting more interesting interesting None 37. Identify the error in the sentence: She said she will help me tomorrow. will said she tomorrow None 38. Choose the correct version: I have never saw such a beautiful place. I never saw such a beautiful place. I have never seen such a beautiful place. I seen never such a beautiful place None 39. Choose the correct sentence: She can sings very well. She sings can very well. She can sing very well. She sing can very well None 40. Choose the correct version: The man with the briefcase is my brother. The man with briefcase is my brother. The man with the briefcase are my brother. The man briefcase is my brother None 1 out of 4 Great job on taking the INCOC Test! We appreciate your interest in test.Look out for results and future opportunities.Stay Connected !! Your quiz time is about to finish. Few seconds left. 1 2 3 4 Time's upYou cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.you cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! 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