Welcome to your International Navodaya Chamber of Commerce (INCOC) Platform ! Subject: Fundamentals of Business Laws and Business CommunicationsTotal Number of Question: 40Time: 41 MinutesPlease check your email after completion of test for result.All the best... Name Phone No Email State 1. A contract is void if Made by a minor Object is illegal Consideration is unlawful All of the above None 2. Which of the following contracts cannot be specifically enforced? Contract to pay compensation Contract to marry Contract dependent on personal skills All of the above None 3. The term "Consideration" is defined under: Section 1 Section 2(d) Section 3 Section 4 None 4. A communication of offer is complete when: It is posted It comes to the knowledge of the offeree It is written It is accepted None 5. Which of the following is an example of implied contract? Auction sales Boarding a bus Entering a restaurant All of the above None 6. The term "goods" includes: Immovable property Movable property Future goods o Both (B) and (C) None 7. The condition as to "merchantability" applies to: New goods only Used goods only Both new and used goods Future goods o None 8. The unpaid seller’s right to resell arises: When goods are in transit When the buyer is insolvent When goods are under lien All of the above None 9. In a contract of sale, if goods perish after the contract but before delivery, the loss falls on: Seller Buyer Both seller and buyer equally Carrier None 10. Which of the following is not a type of delivery under the Sale of Goods Act? Constructive delivery Actual delivery Express delivery Symbolic delivery None 11. A cheque is: An order to pay money A promissory note A bill of exchange A receipt None 12. In a negotiable instrument, “endorsement in blank” means: Endorsement without a signature Endorsement with no conditions Endorsement specifying no endorsee Endorsement with restrictive terms None 13. A promissory note must be: Oral In writing Conditional Payable only after delivery None 14. The drawer of a bill of exchange is: The buyer The seller The person who makes the bill The person who accepts the bill None 15. In case of dishonor of a negotiable instrument, the holder can: Sue the drawer File a criminal case under Section 138 Both (A) and (B) None of the above None 16. A complaint can be filed in the National Consumer Commission if the claim is: Below ₹50 lakh Between ₹1 crore and ₹10 crore Above ₹10 crore None of the above None 17. The Consumer Protection Act is applicable to: Goods only Services only Both goods and services None of the above None 18. A consumer can appeal to the State Commission within: 15 days 30 days 45 days 60 days None 19. The term "deficiency" refers to: Faults in goods Faults in service Faults in both goods and services None of the above None 20. The Consumer Protection Act aims to: Promote consumerism Protect consumer rights Punish all sellers Make goods cheaper None 21. Which of the following is a downward communication? Orders and instructions from managers Suggestions from employees Feedback to higher management Communication with customers None 22. The main purpose of communication is: To inform To influence To express ideas All of the above None 23. A business report should be: Concise Objective Well-structured All of the above None 24. Grapevine communication is: Official communication Informal communication Misleading communication Legal communication None 25. Which of the following is a visual aid in communication? Graphs Charts Diagrams All of the above None 26. Feedback is essential in communication because: It confirms receipt of the message It ensures understanding All of the above None 27. Which of the following is a form of written communication? Circulars Reports Business letters All of the above None 28. Non-verbal communication includes: Facial expressions Body posture Gestures All of the above None 29. Horizontal communication occurs: Between different levels of the hierarchy Between employees at the same level Between subordinates and managers Between a company and its clients None 30. The 7 Cs of communication ensure: Effective communication Short communication Informal communication None of the above None 31. A memo is used for: Informing clients Communicating internally Advertising products None of the above None 32. Active listening involves: Focusing on the speaker Responding thoughtfully Avoiding interruptions All of the above None 33. Communication barriers can arise due to: Cultural differences Lack of feedback Technical noise All of the above None 34. A formal meeting typically includes: An agenda Minutes of the meeting Specific participants All of the above None 35. A good business letter should: Be clear and concise Be polite and professional Use proper format All of the above None 36. Written communication is effective when: The language is simple It is free of grammatical errors The message is organized All of the above None 37. Email communication should: Include a clear subject line Be concise and relevant Address the recipient respectfully All of the above None 38. Informal communication is often referred to as: Vertical communication Grapevine Lateral communication Formal communication None 39. Minutes of a meeting record: Attendance Key discussions Decisions taken All of the above None 40. Noise in communication can be: Physical Psychological Technical All of the above None 1 out of 4 Great job on taking the INCOC Test! We appreciate your interest in test.Look out for results and future opportunities.Stay Connected !! Your quiz time is about to finish. 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